Even when things are going great at the job, it never hurts to talk to a recruiter, and seek out professional career advice.
You may have the perfect job, within the perfect career. You may not be able to picture your work days going better than they are now. But when was the last time you looked at your long-term goals, to check if you were on track?
It’s easy to keep the day-to-day aspects of your career in focus, and lose touch with the long-term objectives you may have set out for yourself several years ago. It’s also possible that your career circumstances changed.
For instance, if you are married, or a parent, our trajectories may change to better reflect the circumstances that surround our family life. Long nights at the office may no longer be viable. That hour-and-a-half commute may need to be cut down.
You can talk to a recruiter before you think you might need it, to ensure that the big picture and every day details are coming together in alignment.
When You Talk to a Recruiter, Here’s a Few Ways They Can Help:
- Industry and Market Outlook – While you may be satisfied in your current location, a job recruiter can tell you if your position within your industry is in increasing demand. It helps anyone to understand when there might be more fulfilling, or higher paying positions available.
- Working Accommodations – Have you always wanted to work from home? Or maybe you simply wanted a position with a more flexible schedule. A career recruiter can keep you posted on the right opportunities.
- Coaching – You may not be ready to start your job search, but the right position may be squarely around the corner. A career recruiter can help you make sure your resume is as professionally written and laid out as possible. They can help you brush up on your interview skills, so the next opportunity doesn’t catch you completely off guard.
- Geography – That office view that overlooks the mountains or the ocean may now be available. But if you aren’t actively participating in the job market, it may go to the next qualified candidate.
- Constant Monitoring – It doesn’t hurt to have a second, professional set of eyes looking out for your best interest. Even if you think you’re happy, and even if you think you’ll want to stay where you are, it helps to know when there is something potentially of interest available.
Don’t Wait Until There’s an Urgency
When you talk to a recruiter in advance of your urgent job hunt, you’re more likely to put yourself in the best possible position for success. Why not come in for a career wellness check, to make sure that you’re headed the right direction with your professional aspirations? We can help you stay on track today!